
The Solo CEO

Evolving Solopreneurs into Solo CEOs through a bespoke combination of strategy + branding + systems + mindset. Get my free 7 day course The LinkedIn Authority Blueprint when you sign up.

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⚡️ There's only one way to end the suffering

Hey Reader, It's time for an intervention. I think you might be suffering from a dangerous entrepreneurship trend. Something that even I fall victim to, more often I'd care to admit. Study addiction Learning addiction Course-buying-addiction Thinking about it really hard addiction One of the members of the Power Your Platfrom progam actually joked that buying courses she never took or did anything with was her love language. We all laughed (and groaned) and the familiarity of it. That's why...

Hello Reader, This past Sunday was my 42nd birthday. I'm not a big birthday person. I don't celebrate for a week. I don't throw parties. I don't make a fuss. But I've been reflective this year because, well, this past year has been one of rapid and rather spectacular transformation. I decided to gather and impart a little wisdom from a lot of hard lessons learned over my years on Earth. And I was genuinely shocked by the response, so thought I'd share it with all of you too. You can see it on...

Hey Reader— For a long time, I thought there were a finite number of ways to build a high profit, successful, impressive business. That you had to follow the models of those who came before you. And so, that's what I did. I shared this message today on LinkedIn It's why, as an early entrepreneur, I started building an agency. I had been doing freelance marketing and everyone told me, an agency was the only way to grow — to earn more money, have more freedom, and make more impact. But guess...

Hey Reader, I used to try to do it all. Hell, in many ways, I still do. I actually had a call yesterday with a potential vendor whom I may hire to help me grow this whole wild vision I have for PYP and as I talked through the entire business, at one point he stopped and said, "Wait, how do you do all of this on your own?!" I mostly laughed but partly groaned because he's right. It's a lot. And it's exhausting. While I've done it mostly on my own for a while now, I've been getting a little...

Hey Reader, For a long time, I thought being a generalist was my competitive advantage. Yes, I'd always seen the emphasis on specialization, but I thought that embracing my nature as a generalist was unique and authentic. I thought it would help me standout. And so, I resisted: Picking a lane Defining my offer Being known for one thing I thought being nimble was a smart move. I was wrong. When I look back on my entrepreneurial journey, one thing is clear. I didn't find traction in my business...

Hey Reader,— When I look at my life today, there is one decision that had the biggest impact on my career and business. To launch an online course. It fundamentally changed me as a person, completely transformed my career and business, and opened doors for me that I never could have imagined. Let’s be real. I had no freaking clue what I was doing. It was a decision made purely with instinct. But it was the first domino in a whole series that so far, has led to promise and opportunity that...

Hi Reader, Welcome to part 3 of the LinkedIn for Noobs series. We’ve already covered the basics of getting started & how to optimize for engagement. Now it’s time to talk about actual video creation strategies. I went through the highlights of this advice in my video on LinkedIn this morning. Ignore how tired I look...ugh! I won’t go into tech advice in this one, as I’ll go a lot deeper into that topic next time. Nope, this one is all about my tips for systems, habits or little tricks that...

Hey Reader, You might remember my series, Ask Kasey, where I answered questions from my subscribers, my audience, and my clients. I launched this for a few reasons: I thoroughly enjoy helping people get to that next level in life and business If one person has the question, usually hundreds more do too. I know that by showing you how I can help, you’ll be more likely to want to work with me You all give me FABULOUS content ideas So, I’m bringing the series back. And we’re starting with a...

Hi Reader, Yesterday, on LinkedIn, I shared a bit about how, when Erica left PYP, I realized I had a perfect opportunity to re-envision the future for myself and what I'm building. the results I delivered to clients The experience I created for them The transformation I enabled them to have And the kind of business I designed for myself I want to be clear. I’m not knocking what we built together. In fact, I am DAMN proud of it. We delivered an amazing experience for our PYP students. And...

Hey Reader— Before we dive into LinkedIn for Noobs Part 2: Optimizing for Engagement and Impressions, we need to talk about my recent discovery. I shared this yesterday on LinkedIn, so click the video for more details. But the gist is that there is yet another reason why video presents such a powerful opportunity on LinkedIn. We already know the results of my first week of video. 40% increase in engagement 90% increase in impressions 218% increase in follows But now, I’m realizing a new...