⚡️PYP: Create content that generates quality leads

Hey Reader,

There’s a dirty little secret among LinkedIn creators.

You can have crazy high engagement, a ton of followers, and a well-known brand but still never get inbound leads. And it’s waaaaaaay more common than you think.

Or anyone wants to admit.

I know because I’ve been there.

And commiserated with other creators who shared the same struggles but didn’t want to reveal that publicly.

That’s because most of us have been getting our social media advice from people who focus on audience growth and selling low-ticket digital products.

Even though you and I care more about building real relationships and selling higher ticket services.

Getting someone to click “Buy” on a $150 product is wildly different from convincing someone to send you a message to initiate a conversation that might lead to a 4 (let alone 5!) figure purchase.

You know that I’ve been creating content on LinkedIn for a long time. But it’s really only in the last year that I started to figure out:

  • How to speak to my prospects so that they feel SEEN
  • How to become known for something, not just known in general
  • How to consistently generate inbound leads from dream, soulmate level prospects

And most of what I see online, doesn’t explain how to do it.

You get some surface-level tactical advice, but it rarely teaches you the fundamental principles of lead-generating content creation that you can adapt to make your own.

I shared last weekend, that I was purposefully NOT creating lead generating content because I needed to focus on building the new PYP online experience, and I still had 9 people book sales calls in 10 days.

So yeah, when you start to figure it out, it’s downright glorious.

On May 7th, I’m going to teach you what I know.

  • Why so many content creators struggle to generate quality inbound leads
  • The reasons why someone would want to reach out to work with you
  • How to find the PERFECT post topics for your target audience
  • Proven frameworks for writing lead generating posts
  • How to optimize your profile to seal the deal

I want this session to be bonkers level valuable, so I’m doing 2 things.

  1. It’s a 90 minute workshop, but I’ve blocked off another hour so I can answer ALL of your questions.
  2. I’ll be creating a content guide and proven post outlines (NOT templates) for anyone who attends live

Register for Write Content that Generates Quality Leads

Also…The first 15 people will get 50% off with the code: LEADS50

Would love to see you all there.

In love and growth, Kasey

P.S. When are a member of Power Your Platform, you get these workshops (and all past recordings) for free. And we have a ton of amazing workshops planned for the next few months. So, if you’re on the fence about joining, book some time, and let’s talk.

Want to go deeper?

Power Your Platform: Learn to become your industry's go-to expert so you can finally experience the consistent revenue, life-changing impact, and entrepreneurial freedom you dream of (and deserve).

Connect with me on Social — Linkedin, X/Twitter, and Tiktok

651 N. Broad St. Ste 201, Middletown, DE 19709
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⚡️Power Your Platform

Finally make social media work for you and your business. Build an authentic personal platform that makes you feel like a badass and your ideal prospects beg to work with you.

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