⚡️PYP: I threw it all out and started over

Hi Reader,

Yesterday, on LinkedIn, I shared a bit about how, when Erica left PYP, I realized I had a perfect opportunity to re-envision the future for myself and what I'm building.

  • the results I delivered to clients
  • The experience I created for them
  • The transformation I enabled them to have
  • And the kind of business I designed for myself

I want to be clear. I’m not knocking what we built together.

In fact, I am DAMN proud of it. We delivered an amazing experience for our PYP students.

And helped many achieve some pretty incredible results.

  • Closed the biggest deals of their careers
  • Got dream-level inbound leads
  • Built next-level confidence
  • Made life-long friendships
  • 5-7xed their impressions
  • 2-3xed their followers
  • Found their voice

Check out some of these glowing testimonials folks gave us!

But I know that in some ways the experience fell short of the kind of impact I truly wanted to create.

  • We could only scratch the surface of learning
  • Students needed more than just writing advice
  • People needed more time to integrate their learning
  • Cohorts are overwhelming for instructors AND students
  • People needed support on how to build an actual business

And so, I am furiously redesigning the PYP experience to not just bring you information, but deliver true transformation.

My goal?

To help you get off the feast-or-famine rollercoaster of business and finally become known as the true expert you are and build a wildly profitable business doing work that lights you up.

Yes, the emphasis will be on becoming that well-known, well-respected industry expert so doors that you didn’t even know existed open up for you.

But we know that without skill development, strategic insight, and proven processes to help you build a values-aligned business, all the recognition in the world won’t create the impact you’re looking for and deserve.

That means there are a few key changes to PYP 2.0

  • 12 week program vs. 5 week cohort
  • Actionable exercises that you submit for 1:1 feedback
  • Self-guided course content so you can learn on your schedule
  • 2+ group coaching sessions every week — one focused on writing and one on business strategy and mindset.
  • Regular deep-dive workshops to accelerate your growth taught by the PYP team and guest experts
  • Opportunity to showcase your expertise — cohost and lead a workshop with me to test your message, create high-value recorded content, and generate leads for your business

Doors are now open. PYP will be an evergreen program, which means you’ll be able to start at any point.

But don’t wait.

I’m keeping pricing low while I finish building out all the material, but it will increase by 67% by the end of July.

If you’re interested, go to: Power Your Platform to learn more.

Oh simply book time with me here.

In love and growth,

P.S. I have parity pricing and payment plans available to ensure PYP is affordable no matter where you live.

Want to go deeper?

Power Your Platform: Learn to become your industry's go-to expert so you can finally experience the consistent revenue, life-changing impact, and entrepreneurial freedom you dream of (and deserve).

Learn to Write Lead Generating Content: The popular workshop teaching you the simple framework to transform your content (and LinkedIn profile) to make your dream clients book calls + send DMs, wanting to work with you.

Connect with me on Social — Linkedin, X/Twitter, and Tiktok

651 N. Broad St. Ste 201, Middletown, DE 19709
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