⚡️PYP: LinkedIn video for noobs — Part 2

Hey Reader—

Before we dive into LinkedIn for Noobs Part 2: Optimizing for Engagement and Impressions, we need to talk about my recent discovery.

I shared this yesterday on LinkedIn, so click the video for more details.

But the gist is that there is yet another reason why video presents such a powerful opportunity on LinkedIn.

We already know the results of my first week of video.

  • 40% increase in engagement
  • 90% increase in impressions
  • 218% increase in follows

But now, I’m realizing a new element.

One of the challenges of all social media is the short shelf life of individual posts. You publish content, get a quick boost in views and engagement followed by a precipitous drop off.

But I’m seeing something different with video.

On Sunday I sent, the stats from a high performing video from the previous week. I posted the video in question on Monday, June 3rd and took this screen shot of the impressions the following Saturday.

Well, look at where it was on the afternoon of Tuesday, June 11th!

  • 36% more engagement
  • 83% more impressions...a week later!

These are huge increases over time, showing that video has the ability to capture more attention for a longer period of time than text alone. Pretty cool.

Okay, now let’s dive into LinkedIn Video for Noobs Part 2: Optimizing for Engagement and Impressions.

My whole goal for this issue is to help you find strategies that improve your videos' ability to grab and hold attention.

Next time I'll share more about actual recording techniques, but today is all about how you approach the content itself.

Plan your content

I said it in last week’s issue, but I am a big believer in writing your written post first. This will help you plan a hook to grab attention quickly and ensure you are focusing on conveying one, simple, powerful idea.

Don’t write a script. Most people look and sound like robots when they read a script, even on a teleprompter.

But! Plan how you will quickly grab people’s attention, how you will keep folks watching, and what final message you will leave them with.

Add captions to your video

Research shows that most people watch videos with the sound off. Make it easy for them to follow along.

LinkedIn will auto create captions that are totally decent, but not all that engaging. There are a bunch of tools that will quickly and easily create them for you and have design options to make them look prettier or more engaging.

I’ll cover these in more detail in my tech recommendations issue, but I urge you to look at:

  • Zubtitle — super easy. They were the first tool I ever used to add captions and still LOVE them. Not sure they have a mobile app though.
  • Capcut — This one is beloved by TikTokers especially.
  • Descript — Also simple as hell, but with tons of editing options

Add some movement to your video

I don’t always do this, especially for LinkedIn video, but when I do, it tends to increase engagement and watch time.

I’m not talking about awkwardly dancing and pointing at bubbles of text that pop up.

I’m talking about:

  • Recording while you’re walking
  • Completing an activity while talking — folding laundry (yes, I mean it), typing, or making coffee. It lets the viewer feel like they’re part of a more intimate experience in your day.
  • Talking with your hands I do this one a lot

Movement helps hold people's attention as you talk through your concept

Bring the energy

Don’t treat this like some stale, boring presentation you’re giving at work. Your video content should feel more personal, but also more electric.

If you’re feeling low-energy, don’t record. You need to bring passion and energy to your video content.

Keep the video shorter

I know I’m not always a good example of this, but it takes a LOT to hold someone’s attention for longer than 90 seconds. When you’re starting out, try to aim for under 2 minutes.

In fact, one of the best things for my video creation skills was when I first started on TikTok, you could only post a 59 second video. That was haaaaaaard for me.

But it helped me learn how to get to the point quickly and then stay on message.

Start there and only over time begin to go longer than that.

Cover topics that FIRE YOU UP

When you’re starting out, maintaining the passion and energy can be hard. So do you yourself a favor and start with topics that fire you up.

  • Rants you have
  • Raves you’re feeling
  • Big realizations you want to share

It will be much easier for you to create high-energy, engaging content if you’re talking about something that energizes you.

I hope this gave you some insight into how to create video content that grabs attention and keeps it.

We will continue with Part 3.

Next up?

Content creation strategies…especially if you’re feeling the fear about video.

In love and growth,

P.S. I'll be announcing it in more detail this week, but the new Power Your Platform is launching in 2 weeks. If you're ready to finally make LinkedIn work for you and your business, consider joining us. Learn more here and then book time to talk with me.

Want to go deeper?

Power Your Platform: Learn to become your industry's go-to expert so you can finally experience the consistent revenue, life-changing impact, and entrepreneurial freedom you dream of (and deserve).

Learn to Write Lead Generating Content: The popular workshop teaching you the simple framework to transform your content (and LinkedIn profile) to make your dream clients book calls + send DMs, wanting to work with you.

Connect with me on Social — Linkedin, X/Twitter, and Tiktok

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