⚡️PYP: The #1 struggle to build a personal brand

Hey Reader,

Recently, I went on a 12 day vacation with my husband and pre-scheduled a few LinkedIn posts so that I could continue to prompt some limited engagement in my absence. I thought it would be the perfect time to re-test an old favorite strategy of mine — LinkedIn polls.

Most LinkedIn polls are dumb…why are do we care whether people like nutella or peanut butter better? But you really can use them to learn important, valuable information about your audience.

One of the polls I ran asked my audience about their #1 challenge in building their personal brand on LinkedIn.

And the results didn’t surprise me — at all. In fact, they were very similar to the responses I received from a similar survey I did about a year ago.

Consistency, consistency, consistency.

This is consistently (heh…) the reason people give when they bemoan their struggles to grow online. But it’s a shitty answer. It’s vague as hell and tells me nothing about why they struggle with it.

(And yes, I realize I am the one who included it as a potential answer! Don’t @ me)

So when I got it the first time, I dug deeper, asking open ended follow up questions to better understand the why. Because “time” is also a bullshit answer…when something matters to us, we make time, so what was the real issue here?

Their answers, typically, fell into two categories:

A lack of clarity

  • I don’t have a clear plan
  • I don’t know how to get started
  • I’m not sure what I should be talking about
  • I feel uncertain about who I am really trying to reach

A lack of confidence

  • My content doesn’t seem to work so I’m not sure what to do
  • I don’t think I have the authority to put myself out there
  • I’m more comfortable behind-the-scenes
  • I overthink things and get stuck

It might sound like a catch-22, but the answer to both of these problems is action. Taking small, daily steps toward that help you find clarity and build confidence.

It literally solves both problems.

The way to become consistent is to…be consistent?! What?!

You can’t find clarity simply by thinking about things. You must take action, experiment, and trying new things to figure out what works —for you and the audience you’re trying to reach.

And I’ve learned over and over again that the fastest path toward overcoming fear and self-doubt is through action. Confidence doesn’t come first. It’s actually the natural progression from taking action toward your goals in the face of fear and self-doubt.

Here’s the deal…when you’re just getting started, inertia is working against you.

Everything is seems harder because you’re doing things for the first time. Your goal shouldn’t be to do it all perfectly, but simply to build momentum. To get the proverbial ball MOVING.

So here’s what I recommend if you’re feeling stuck or struggling with consistency:

Make things as simple as possible to get started and then keep going.

This is why an experimental mindset can be a catalyst to help you take action that finds clarity and builds confidence —quickly. It lowers the stakes of every step you take to reduce the fear, while also helping direct your actions to focus them on learning valuable, clarifying information.

Sample Experiment

Let’s imagine you are a freelance content writer and you’ve done work with B2B SaaS companies and ecommerce brands and you’re not sure whom you should target on LinkedIn.

Decide to run an experiment for 2 weeks, testing these two distinct audiences.

Every day, leave 5-10 comments for each of these audiences:

  • Content from marketing leaders or founders of B2B SaaS companies, freelancers or agency owners who target them, or other thought leaders in B2B Saas
  • Content from marketing leaders or founders of Ecommerce, freelancers or agency owners who target them or other thought leaders in Ecommerce

Then make sure to gather important data:

  • How do people respond to your comments? What conversations arise as a result? Which audience seems to resonate more with your thoughts and ideas?
  • How do you FEEL while writing the comments? Are you having fun or does it feel like a grind? Which audience excites you more?

Taking this approach, you lower the expectations for your content or comments — you do them to learn, not to go viral, become famous, or immediately land a client.

And you can design your experiments to ensure you're quickly finding the kind of confidence-building clarity that makes every aspect of your business feel simpler, and yes, even easier.

If you’re feeling stuck, run an experiment.

And if you need help deciding on the right experiment to run, just reply to this email with a bit more context and I’ll record a video that helps you design an experiment that gets you moving quickly.

In love and growth,

Want to go deeper?

Power Your Platform: I'm in the process of redesigning PYP 2.0. The new version launches in 3 weeks. If you want to learn more, book time and let's talk.

Learn to Write Lead Generating Content: The popular workshop teaching you the simple framework to transform your content (and LinkedIn profile) to make your dream clients book calls + send DMs, wanting to work with you.

Connect with me on Social — Linkedin, X/Twitter, and Tiktok

651 N. Broad St. Ste 201, Middletown, DE 19709
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⚡️Power Your Platform

Finally make social media work for you and your business. Build an authentic personal platform that makes you feel like a badass and your ideal prospects beg to work with you.

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