⚡️PYP: We need to talk about Harrison Butker

Hey Reader—

I'm going to tell you a story that will rile you up, piss you off, but ultimately make you laugh and, if you click through my link, dance your ass off. So stay with me.

If you've never heard the name Harrison Butker, than I will assume you don't watch Football and haven't been following the news lately.

I was never much of a football fan until I met my husband, who is an avid fan of all sports.

No joke, he watches everything from sumo wrestling, the Tour du France, and the US Open (both golf and Tennis) to the NFL, NBA, MLB, and NHL.

I told him early on that if he wanted me to watch with him and actually give a shit, he needed to tell me the stories behind the game — the winding journey of the teams, the rise of the individual players, and the scandals and intrigue of the leagues themselves.

And I kind of fell in love with football, the Kansas City Chiefs especially. And this is before the Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce romance, I'll have you know.

Harrison Butker is the Chief's kicker, so I knew about him and his stellar kicking record before he went viral last week for his commencement address at Benedictine College.

I'm not going to summarize it here, but it's worth a watch so you can see the bigotry, condescension, patriarchy and white supremacy oozing from every word yourself.

Essentially, he tells the women in the audience, on the day of their college graduation, that their true vocation is "homemaker."

It's vile.

Not surprisingly, people responded in justifiable anger. The speech was concerning and indicative of the American right's big push toward backward, regressive thinking

But in a way, it gave me hope. Because my TikTok feed was filled with smart, blistering takes on his rather pathetic arguments, his faulty thinking, and his hypocrisy (his mother is a medical oncology physicist at Emory University, so his career has been partly enabled by a woman being more than a f*cking homemaker...)

But my favorite response?

This woman turned his speech into a remix with Cardi B that simultaneously mocks him and celebrates women doing WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY WANT.

It is brilliant, funny as hell, and a reminder of why social media is a goldmine for celebrating the beautifully weird, brilliant, and creative authenticity of people. Especially the people who ever felt left out, unsupported, or unappreciated by the dominant, patriarchal society.

And if you need a reminder, let me tell you...

You are loved and appreciated for exactly who you are.

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